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MPs for England & Wales have voted in favor to make changes to the Children and Families Bill which will allow ministers to enforce the ban on smoking in a vehicle whilst there are children passengers
The vote passed by 376 to 107, meaning that the ban is extremely likely as it has proven a popular topic with MPs across the nation. Welsh ministers will now have to decide if they will follow suit and implement the same bans as will be brought in for England.
The move comes as campaigners are pushing hard to protect children from passive smoking. Smoking in public places has been a criminal offence for a number of years across Britain now, however there have never before been any laws implemented to protect children from second hand smoke in confined spaces.
It is unclear at present when these moves will take place and what the implications of failing to comply with the new laws will be. It is likely that any offenders will receive a hefty fine although it is not clear if any type of driving penalty such as points will accompany the punishment.